Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, méditez... Méditez sur votre foi, sur votre adoration envers Allah sobhana wa taala, méditez sur vos actes, sur vos paroles, sur votre soumission envers Allah sobhana wa taala. Qu'Allah sobhana wa taala le Sublime nous guide sur le droit chemin.
Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, meditate ... Meditate on your faith, your worship Allah sobhana wa taala, meditate on your actions, your words, your submission to Allah sobhana wa taala. Allah Allah sobhana wa taala the Sublime guide us on the right path.
Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, meditate ... Meditate on your faith, your worship Allah sobhana wa taala, meditate on your actions, your words, your submission to Allah sobhana wa taala. Allah Allah sobhana wa taala the Sublime guide us on the right path.