Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, aideriez vous un musulman ? Aujourd'hui les médias se donnent à cœur joie de critiquer l'Islam en toute ignorance. Mais le pire ce sont les personnes qui mettent leurs confiances dans ces médias manipulateurs. Aideriez-vous un musulman ? Voici une caméra cachée avec une belle fin Al hamdulillah. Qu'Allah sobhana wa taala nous éloigne de l'égarement.
Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, would help you a Muslim? Today the media like to criticize Islam in any ignorance. But the worst are the people who put their trusts in these media manipulators. Would you help a Muslim? Here's a hidden camera with a beautiful end Al Hamdulillah. Allah Sobhana wa taala us away from error.
Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, would help you a Muslim? Today the media like to criticize Islam in any ignorance. But the worst are the people who put their trusts in these media manipulators. Would you help a Muslim? Here's a hidden camera with a beautiful end Al Hamdulillah. Allah Sobhana wa taala us away from error.