Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, durant une conférence un frère termine son exposé en récitant une histoire sur les compagnons (Qu'Allah sobhana wa taala les agrée) du Prophète Muhammad (que la prière d'Allah sobhana wa taala et son salut soient sur lui). A méditer.
Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, during a conference brother ended his presentation by reciting a story about the companions (Radiya lahou 'anhou) of the Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahou Alayhi wa Salam). A meditation.
Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, during a conference brother ended his presentation by reciting a story about the companions (Radiya lahou 'anhou) of the Prophet Muhammad (Salla Allahou Alayhi wa Salam). A meditation.