Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, qu'Allah sobhana wa taala nous accorde l'ombre le jour de la rétribution, là où il n'y aura aucune autre ombre ! Voici les personnes qui se trouveront sous l'ombre incha Allah. Allah Wa3lem.
Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, Allah sobhana wa taala gives us shade on the day of payment, where there will be no other shade! Here are the people who will be under the shadow incha'Allah. Allah Wa3lem.
Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, Allah sobhana wa taala gives us shade on the day of payment, where there will be no other shade! Here are the people who will be under the shadow incha'Allah. Allah Wa3lem.