Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, le Noble Coran est une Miséricorde de la part d'Allah sobhana wa taala Al hamdulillah. Prenez l'habitude de le réciter, de le lire, de l’étudier et de l'apprendre incha Allah wa taala. Qu'Allah sobhana wa taala vous facilite dans vos bonnes oeuvres.
Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, the Qur'an is a mercy from Allah sobhana wa taala Al Hamdulillah. Make it a habit to recite, read, study and learn incha'Allah wa taala. Allah sobhana wa taala facilitates you in your good works.
Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, the Qur'an is a mercy from Allah sobhana wa taala Al Hamdulillah. Make it a habit to recite, read, study and learn incha'Allah wa taala. Allah sobhana wa taala facilitates you in your good works.