Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, une nouvelle vidéo avec un frère qui s'est reconverti et qui avoue que cela a changé sa vie, sa façon de parler, sa façon de voir les choses Al Hamdulilah. C'est pour cela qu'il est important d'avoir un bon comportement pour refléter une bonne image de l'Islam car l'Islam est parfait mais les hommes ne le sont pas.
Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, a new video with a brother who was converted and admits that it changed his life, his way of speaking, his way of seeing things Al Hamdulilah. This is why it is important to have a good behavior to reflect a good image of Islam because Islam is perfect, but men are not.
Salam aleykoum wa ramatoulah wa barakatouhou, a new video with a brother who was converted and admits that it changed his life, his way of speaking, his way of seeing things Al Hamdulilah. This is why it is important to have a good behavior to reflect a good image of Islam because Islam is perfect, but men are not.